Covid-19 has indeed brought some positives: digitalization in German companies is finally advancing. This was agreed upon by experts at the OMR panel, which took place online this year. Gregor Hufenreuter, Senior Sales Director DACH at the marketing automation specialist HubSpot, Lars Schulze, Co-Founder of the marketing community UFOstart AG, and Britta Schlömer, Co-CEO of the consulting and services company Thought Leader Systems (TLS), discussed the near and distant future of marketing and sales under challenging Corona conditions.


Leaving aside the manufacturers of toilet paper and pasta, COVID-19 has certainly posed major challenges for most companies. They have had to and still need to manage many things simultaneously within a short period: revenue has collapsed for many as customers disappeared, many people lost their jobs or were put on short-time work. Saving has become necessary as money becomes tighter. The question now is: How can sales reach those crucial customers? What can marketing do to attract new customers without being on-site?

The magic word is 'digitalization.' This was the consensus among the experts at the OMR panel. The topic is undoubtedly the big winner of the pandemic: 'Something that customers have basically been demanding for a long time now has to be implemented almost inevitably. This is a good thing. Something that, hopefully, once all this is over, should not fall asleep again, as it is the way to the future,' hopes TLS Managing Director Britta Schlömer.


From a Slow Pace to a Gallop

Of course, companies did not discover software solutions and online retail only due to COVID-19. Nevertheless, the pandemic forced a shift from a previously slow pace of digitalization to a rapid acceleration, transforming processes at a breakneck speed. Once-novel functions and services—such as live chat or even advanced automation—are now crucial for daily operations. Without these tools, companies can no longer attract or engage potential customers as they did before the pandemic: 'This is unlikely to change even after the pandemic. No matter how much one may complain about the situation—it has brought new conveniences, through these new possibilities, that many customers and companies will certainly not want to do without,' says Schlömer.

Now that many companies have shifted online and are discovering the associated benefits, there is no going back to the old ways. Companies will continue to invest in digital channels, as they prove to be highly effective options for engagement, customer acquisition, and customer service. Consumers are also becoming increasingly familiar with these new possibilities and are expecting more digital services and access


Marketing, Sales, and Service Unified

Online communication and everything it entails has become indispensable: whether it's live chat functions, regular online shopping habits for many consumers who previously only shopped online occasionally, or the common tools in sales that facilitate team collaboration and provide a certain overview. Especially, cross-functional tools have gained relevance, unifying sales, marketing, and customer service to offer a holistic and improved customer experience.

Ultimately, companies need to manage both existing and newly acquired information effectively. All data must converge to provide a true 360-degree view of the customer and deliver an exceptional customer journey, according to Schlömer: 'It is of no use if, for example, only sales and service have access to the data, but marketing cannot use it to create targeted campaigns. Or if communication or information from customer chats cannot be recorded. There are already platforms that enable this, as well as marketing automation solutions that provide approaches and promote collaboration between marketing and sales.



Tools Can Do More Than Many Know

However, the problem is that many companies do not use these tools anywhere near their maximum efficiency. This leads to high costs, unrealized revenue potential, and a lack of clarity about customers. By addressing these points and simultaneously finding tools that are easy to use, scalable, and powerful, companies can optimize their digital strategy and quickly improve the ROI of their investments.

Swift action and gaining an overview are crucial: 'What adjustments can I make with minimal effort? What systems do I already have that can help me? How can I change my strategy without completely overhauling everything? Especially now, in these crisis times, it's the 'quick wins' that matter,' says Schlömer.

Thought Leader Systems helps you identify such weaknesses and shows you how to achieve quickly measurable successes for increased revenue and profitability