Thought Leader Systems is the only company in Germany to receive the international HubSpot Advanced CMS Implementation Certification. The inbound marketing specialist HubSpot thus confirms that the consulting and agency company from Hattersheim near Frankfurt has mastered the demanding standard for content management systems (CMS) at a global level. The certification underlines the expertise that Thought Leader Systems has already demonstrated through the implementation of numerous CMS solutions, including complex ones. HubSpot thus officially verifies Thought Leader Systems' ability to carry out highly complex CMS migrations, software integrations and customised website development projects.

Only 17 companies worldwide recognised as premium service providers

This makes Thought Leader Systems one of only 17 HubSpot partners worldwide and the only one in Germany to receive the HubSpot Advanced CMS Implementation Certification. To achieve certification, Thought Leader Systems had to demonstrate, for example, its ability to manage and execute even difficult website redesign projects (including CMS implementation and migration) fluently from start to finish. This requires sophisticated technical and strategic expertise and suitably experienced specialists. Only in this way can such highly complex projects be successfully planned, communicated and executed.

Dynamic target group content at the touch of a button

HubSpot only relaunched its optimised content management system in spring 2020: The "CMS Hub" is designed to make content management easier, especially for fast-growing companies. Thanks to its scalability, the system is particularly suitable for fast-growing companies and can be seamlessly integrated into HubSpot's software landscape. Billing is monthly and costs 252 euros for the Professional version and 830 euros for the Enterprise version.

In addition to typical features such as a drag-and-drop editor and design templates, the Professional version allows websites to be developed locally and designed in multiple languages without additional plug-ins or tools. From the first use, the system also provides features to gradually generate more traffic with your own website and convert it into leads. HubSpot uses SEO recommendations, A/B tests and dialogue-based chat bots for customer service, among other things.


Dynamic target group content facilitates account-based marketing

The CMS Hub can also be used to create and place target group-specific content. This means that new website visitors always see the content that is individually tailored to them, as the content can be played out specifically for each buyer persona. "The account-based marketing approach, in which a company addresses valuable target customers individually and directly, is greatly simplified by this function," says Britta Schlömer, Co-CEO at Thought Leader Systems, adding: "However, experience shows that these CMS projects are quite complex and require a lot of experience. This is because the maintenance effort for dynamic content is quite high. Such demanding projects require experienced HubSpot partners who, like Thought Leader Systems, have a specialisation." Tobbias Schlömer, Co-CEO and CMS specialist, adds: "We have proven in many projects that we can handle complex website development projects and CMS migrations very well. This enables us to offer our customers enormous added value."

With the HubSpot Advanced CMS Certification, Thought Leader Systems has also been officially recognised as a premium service provider for complex CMS projects. The combination of in-depth technical knowledge and strategic planning talent makes Thought Leader Systems the partner of choice for discerning customers.


About Thought Leader Systems GmbH

The consulting and services company Thought Leader Systems supports its customers in achieving long-term business goals and serves as a central point of contact for their marketing, sales and IT requirements. The Frankfurt-based company offers the entire "stack" of marketing automation solutions and inbound marketing - from business consulting and technical implementation to training and support in the running business. With the support of Thought Leader Systems, companies can tap into new markets and target groups, maximise market share and promote customer loyalty.