With a Customer Data Platform (CDP), you can tidy up your shop. Time-consuming manual processes are gradually replaced by time-saving automated processes. This greatly increases the efficiency of a company. The market seems to be flooded with software that promises to bring structure to your day-to-day business.
Find out in this article how CDP software can work wonders for your company and how you can inspire your customers by using it.

What is a Customer Data Platform?

A Customer Data Platform is data-based software that gives you a 360⁰ view of each individual customer. The CDP collects data across channels and devices and creates individual profiles of each customer. This enables a unique customer approach. This allows you to increase customer satisfaction through targeted and customised campaigns. 
With the help of the Customer Data Platform, you can get to know your customers in a personalised way and use the masses of data in a meaningful way. The CDP collects data of various kinds, such as first party data. This information forms the basis of every customer profile that is created. This is data that you have about your customers. The customer generates this through their online and offline behaviour. 
This includes, for example, surfing activities on the company website, social media behaviour or email campaigns. The CDP records all data, analyses it and assigns it to the correct customer profile. 
The software also collects second party data and third party data. The former is data from external providers, while the latter is data that you purchase. This optimises the customer profiles and enriches them with important data.



The Customer Data Platform: the structured intermediary

With the right use of a customer data platform, you can take big steps forward. Often the implementation of new software means doing away with the previous one. 
This is not necessary with this wonder weapon, because the CDP does not replace existing systems. On the contrary: other systems have access to the CDP. It acts as a structured intermediary and connects your software. This enables automated communication between the different software and you benefit from optimised profiling of your customers.
Generated data of any kind is combined and standardised in the CDP. This also applies to data that is stored in your company's integrated software. Regardless of whether it is external or your own data. These are organised efficiently. You therefore enjoy the further advantage of being able to use the data immediately. 


Data leads to happy customers

With the right use of a customer data platform, you can satisfy the very high expectations of today's customers. This is because the automated analysis of detailed data allows you to recognise that you can respond to the expectations of each individual customer. You pick up your customer at the respective phase of their customer journey and give them what they need. 
The CDP also helps you to avoid serious marketing mistakes. For example, a misdirected email campaign that encourages a customer to buy a product they have already been using for a month. In this way, you avoid inappropriate interactions that make the customer feel misunderstood. This very quickly destroys the customer relationship, often permanently. 
Use the CDP to find the right customer approach at any time, regardless of where the customer is in the customer journey.


CDP - The wonder weapon that puts your company over the top

Die effiziente Nutzung einer Customer Data Platform verspricht strukturierte Unternehmensprozesse. Automated processes make customer data accessible to you. The analysed data tells you everything you need to know about your customers. This enables you to achieve the desired result: you use this information for more in-depth, individualised customer contact. 
Over time, the CDP software gets to know your customers better and better. This allows you to make more and more targeted forecasts and influence customer behaviour. This is made possible by CDP's detailed analyses. 
Whether they are your customers or simple visitors to your website, the software records the history of each individual and automatically creates personalised profiles. This allows you to increase your sales at every touchpoint of the customer journey where each customer or potential customer is located.
Use the CDP to analyse your return on investment (ROI) and evaluate this return on investment. In short: CDP measures the success of your campaign in terms of the capital invested. You can use the analyses to continuously improve your business strategies. So you save time and money by using the Customer Data Platform.
Look to a profitable future with the right Customer Data Platform for your company. Let the experts at Thought Leader Systems advise you competently and get your company processes in shape with the Customer Data Platform.