What our successful HubSpot customers pay attention to when generating leads - and what happens if you don't.

Using HubSpot as a marketing hub has proven to be an effective lead generation strategy for many companies. In particular, collecting leads via website forms and content downloads provides an effective way to identify and nurture potential customers. This article looks at the key challenges and success factors in lead generation with HubSpot, specifically in the context of content downloads, landing pages and forms.



How to master the challenges of the HubSpot Marketing Hub 

1. Forms optimisation

The design of forms is a crucial component for successful lead acquisition with HubSpot. The challenge is to find a balance between collecting relevant information and being user-friendly. Long and cumbersome forms tend to deter potential leads, which is why it's important to keep forms short and concise.
The solution lies in the implementation of Progressive Profiling, a feature in HubSpot that allows information to be collected across multiple interactions. Instead of requesting all information at once, progressive forms can collect additional data in stages. This minimises the input hurdle for the user and increases the likelihood that they will complete the form. By continuously optimising and adapting the forms to the needs of the target group, higher conversion rates can be achieved.

2. Valuable content

Content is king, and this also applies to lead generation with HubSpot. Provide high-quality, relevant content that addresses the needs of your target audience. A well-thought-out content plan in conjunction with HubSpot tools such as the HubSpot Content Strategy tool can help you create targeted, engaging content.

  • The challenge in delivering valuable content is to understand the needs and interests of the target audience. HubSpot users should create a targeted content plan that delivers relevant and high-quality content.
  • By using HubSpot's content strategy tool, companies can ensure that their content is tailored to the target group and offers real added value. Continuous analysis of user behaviour and adaptation of the content plan make it possible to constantly improve the content strategy and optimise lead generation.
3. Segmentation of target groups

A universal approach to lead generation does not always work. Segment your target audience and customise your content and offers accordingly. HubSpot enables detailed segmentation based on the behaviour of users on your website, so you can deliver personalised content effectively.

  • One challenge is to define clear segmentation criteria and offer personalised content in a targeted manner. HubSpot enables detailed segmentation based on user behaviour, location and other criteria.
  • Through the precise application of segmentation, companies can ensure that their messages are more relevant and increase the likelihood of conversion.
4. Integration of sales and marketing

The seamless integration of marketing and sales is a challenge that many companies have to overcome. HubSpot CRM provides the solution by creating a common data pool and enabling a smooth transition from marketing to sales. A clear definition of handover processes and the use of HubSpot CRM tools help to ensure that no valuable leads are lost. Effective communication and regular co-ordination between marketing and sales teams are crucial to the success of this integration.


You should consistently utilise these success factors of the HubSpot Marketing Hub

No two HubSpot Marketing Hubs at our customers are the same. Of course, it's all about completely adapting and customising HubSpot's marketing automation to your own needs. In dozens of implementations, we at Thought Leader Systems have learnt that the success factors for the measurable success of the deployment depend heavily on using the right functions of the marketing hub. Not every feature of the HubSpot Marketing Hub is equally valuable for every organisation. Concentrate on the essentials. But what is that? Here are some recommendations from our daily business.


1. Success factor: effective use of automation

The HubSpot Marketing Hub contains really powerful automation tools (e.g. the Workflow Engine) that help you to minimise repetitive tasks and execute marketing business processes consistently and optimally. Use workflows primarily to automate follow-up emails, lead evaluations and nurturing campaigns to increase efficiency.

  • Email automation: Use HubSpot's email automation to send personalised emails based on specific actions or schedules. Automated email campaigns can help drive interactions with leads, nurture them and move them through the funnel. Segment your list intelligently to send relevant content to specific audiences.
  • Lead evaluation and scoring: Implement automated lead evaluations and scoring systems to assess the quality of your leads. By defining certain criteria, you can automatically prioritise leads and provide sales with highly qualified contacts. This enables efficient utilisation of sales resources.
  • Nurturing campaigns: Develop automated nurturing campaigns that respond to lead behaviour. By delivering targeted content based on interactions, you can guide the lead through the funnel and increase the likelihood of conversion. Consider different touchpoints and communication channels.
  • Social media automation: Manage your social media presence efficiently by scheduling automated posts and campaigns. HubSpot enables the integration of social media platforms to automate the distribution of content and maximise reach.
  • Workflow automation: Create complex workflow automations to automate tasks and processes. This can range from assigning leads to sales to automatically updating CRM data. Customised workflows can be adapted to specific company requirements.

By using these automation tools intelligently, companies can not only increase their efficiency, but also offer a consistent and personalised customer experience. The continuous monitoring and adaptation of these automation processes make it possible to stay in tune with the changing needs of the target group and optimise lead generation in the long term.

2. Success factor: Perform A/B tests

Continuous optimisation is the key to success. Carry out regular A/B tests for your forms, landing pages and email campaigns. Analysing the results will allow you to continuously improve performance and respond to the needs of your target audience. A/B functions are one of the least used and most underestimated functions in many organisations.

However, A/B tests are THE decisive tool for integrating continuous optimisation into your lead generation with HubSpot. Only these tests make it possible to compare different variants of forms, landing pages and email campaigns and to continuously improve performance.

  • Optimise forms: Start A/B tests to test different versions of your forms. Experiment with the number of fields, the placement of call-to-action elements and the design. By analysing conversion rates, you can find out which forms are most effective at generating leads and adjust your form strategy accordingly.
  • Optimise landing pages: Test different elements on your landing pages, such as headlines, images, form placement and colour schemes. A/B testing helps to understand which combinations work best to maximise conversion rates. Landing page optimisation is crucial to converting visitors into leads.
  • Improve email campaigns: Run A/B tests on different elements of your email campaigns, such as subject lines, senders, content and call-to-action buttons. By experimenting with different approaches, you can increase the effectiveness of your emails and maximise open and click-through rates.
  • Adapted content strategy: Use A/B tests to optimise your content strategy. Experiment with different topics, formats and styles to find out which content achieves the best results. This allows you to tailor your content more specifically to the needs of your target group.
  • Test responsive design: Consider the responsive design of your forms, landing pages and emails. You can use A/B tests to ensure that your content is displayed optimally on different devices. This is particularly important as many users use mobile devices to interact with online content.

By regularly conducting A/B tests, companies can make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their marketing strategy. The key is to carefully analyse the results and integrate the knowledge gained into future campaigns and strategies.


3. Success factor: using personalisation

HubSpot enables comprehensive personalisation, both for emails and on landing pages. Use these functions to offer your leads a customised experience. A personalised approach significantly increases the likelihood of conversions.

Personalisation is a key factor in lead acquisition with HubSpot and enables a more targeted approach to the target group. By customising content, companies can increase conversion rates and build a stronger bond with potential customers.

  • Personalised emails: Use HubSpot to create personalised emails based on the behaviour and interests of your contacts. Segment your list to customise specific content to different target groups. Personalised subject lines and content significantly increase open and click-through rates.
  • Customise landing pages: Customise your landing pages to meet the individual needs of your target group. Use dynamic content and personalised call-to-action elements based on the user's previous behaviour. A personalised landing page increases the likelihood of visitors converting to leads.
  • Personalised content on the website: Implement personalised content on your website using HubSpot. Use the collected data to display dynamic content that matches the visitor's interests and point of view. A personalised website experience encourages interaction and conversion.
  • Personalised offers and discounts: Use personalised offers and discounts to increase the engagement of your leads. HubSpot enables the creation of specific offers based on the behaviour and preferences of contacts. This creates a personal connection and encourages sales.
  • Dynamic workflow automation: Use dynamic workflow automation to trigger personalised actions. This can include sending special resources, personalised follow-up emails or targeted offers. Customised workflows help guide the lead through the sales funnel.

The consistent use of personalisation tools in HubSpot enables companies to create a personal and relevant customer journey. By continuously adapting and individualising your content, you can build a long-term relationship with your leads and optimise conversion rates.


4. Success factor: making data-based decisions

Use HubSpot's analytics and reporting capabilities to make data-driven decisions. Understand which channels and content deliver the best results and adjust your strategy accordingly.

The ability to make data-driven decisions is critical to the success of lead generation with HubSpot. By analysing comprehensive data, companies can optimise their strategies, increase efficiency and take targeted action to improve conversion rates.

  • Analyse campaign performance: Use HubSpot's analytics features to evaluate the performance of your marketing campaigns. Examine metrics such as click-through rates, open rates and conversions to understand which approaches are effective. By identifying successful tactics, you can better target your resources.
  • Evaluate visitor data: Analyse your website's visitor data to gain insights into the behaviour of your target group. HubSpot provides detailed insights into visitor activity, including page views, dwell time and interactions. This data helps you to better tailor content and offers to the needs of your target group.
  • Understand A/B test results: Carefully evaluate A/B test results to understand which variations perform best. By analysing test results, you can make informed decisions about optimising forms, landing pages and email campaigns. Consider not only the winner, but also the reasons for success.
  • Understand conversion paths: Track the conversion paths of your leads to understand how they interact with your content. By analysing these paths, you can identify bottlenecks and optimise the path to conversion points. HubSpot offers tools such as attribution reporting to understand the contribution of different touchpoints to the conversion process.
  • Analyse CRM data: Use the comprehensive CRM data in HubSpot to track the progress and interactions with leads. Analysing CRM data makes it possible to evaluate the success of sales efforts and optimise the effectiveness of marketing activities. Understand the entire customer lifecycle to make data-driven decisions at all levels.

By continuously analysing and interpreting data, companies can fine-tune their strategies and make the customer journey more effective. Utilising data-driven insights is not only a success factor for the current campaign, but also a basis for long-term success and continuous improvement.



Lead generation with HubSpot requires a strategic approach that recognises the challenges and makes targeted use of the success factors. By combining optimised forms, high-quality content, effective automation and seamless integration of marketing and sales, companies can achieve maximum effectiveness in lead generation.

Finding the right strategy is not easy and requires a lot of experience. Shorten your company's learning time and start with an experienced partner at your side, such as Thought Leader Systems.