Marketing and Sales Alignment



What is Marketing & Sales Alignment?

Sales and marketing are the two hearts that beat in the company's chest. Together they are the driving forces behind revenue generation, but in reality they rarely pull together. There is generally little communication between the two departments and when it does occur, it is usually short and unproductive, marked by mistrust and rejection.

The communication between the two departments is generally not very good and when it comes to it, it is usually short and unproductive, marked by distrust and rejection.

The aim of the Marketing & Sales Alignment is to integrate the two departments and to unite them under a common banner. The tasks and responsibilities of the two departments are clearly structured and joint supervision is created to monitor and optimize them. In the long term, the Marketing & Sales Alignment will lead to significant increases in sales, improved internal communication, and ultimately to a better working atmosphere. Marketing & Sales Alignment is an important step towards an efficient company and happy employees.


Finding the right management

Within the framework of Marketing & Sales Alignment, the two quite different marketing and sales departments are integrated into each other, which inevitably leads to more cooperation and communication. To reorient different people in this way always offers potential for conflict. The seamless process of integration and ongoing business requires strong leadership. In addition to operational factors, many interpersonal challenges must also be mastered in order not only to maintain efficiency but also to increase employee satisfaction.

We can help you screen the candidates to determine which of your employees are suitable for this challenging task and support them in their implementation.


The Sales Funnel

The Sales Funnel is the way from a mass of contacts to the final customer. This Sales Funnel is the basis of Marketing & Sales Alignment. This scheme is used to clearly divide the responsibilities between Sales and Marketing and to present them in a transparent way. Only through this clear division can meaningful reporting be made regarding the individual steps and their sequence in practice. With the help of the reports and the simple overview of the responsibilities of the subordinate areas, the management of the Sales & Marketing construct can uncover possible problems or errors and find targeted solutions.

Thought Leader Systems helps you to analyze the tasks and topics and to distribute them among the departments to guarantee seamless integration.


Closed-Loop Reporting

Successful Marketing & Sales Alignment is based on the idea of closed-loop reporting. This means not only the constant exchange of experience and constant reporting to the management. It is also important to streamline the cooperation between departments with a common language and clearly defined technical terms in order to avoid misunderstandings.

The two operationally very different departments of sales and marketing are thus growing closer together. The goal is a symbiotic connection between the two, which gains in efficiency and benefits through the constant exchange and also the use of the same technologies and systems as a whole.


The Service Level Agreement (SLA)

The Service Level Agreement is an important part of the Marketing & Sales Alignment, as it sets clear objectives for both sales and marketing, as well as for the unity of the two departments. Such targets include the amount of qualified leads that are transferred from marketing to the sales department and how many of these leads should be used and processed by the sales team.