Inbound Marketing – The new player in Marketing

With inbound marketing you are enhancing your marketing mix with an important and future-proof component, to be found by customers in the digital era as well, to be recognised relevant and finally to be considered number one.

Inbound marketing strengthens customer acquisition

A marketing department that does inbound marketing is a strong and valued partner of the sales department. Even before planning inbound travel, marketing and sales should set common goals

for the acquisition of interested parties (lead generation),
for the development of qualified leads ready to buy and
for the conversion of leads to customers.

Your inbound targets should be SMART, that is

  • Specific - clear objectives with precise responsibilities, weightings and meanings, regional reference and limitations,
  • Measurable - concrete business criteria for assessing progress and achievement of objectives,
  • Attractive - realistic goals that can be achieved with given resources and that are important for your own top management,
  • Relevant - directly related to the business strategy and strategic marketing/sales priorities of your brand,
  • Time bound - with an exact and appropriate time horizon for the achievement of objectives and with fixed deadlines for the achievement of milestones.

The goals for the use of inbound marketing are individual and depend on the market phase a company is in, how complex the customer's buying process is and whether, for example, a company has a more divisional or regional organization. Nevertheless, there are top targets that we find again and again across the board in the most diverse companies. Here are the top five goals that are decisive for many companies in an inbound marketing strategy.



Five reasons to use inbound marketing in your company

1. Effectiveness and marketing power

With inbound marketing, you can easily and quickly create assertive marketing campaigns.

You use the concentrated power of blogging, SEO, social media, keyword advertising, websites, content marketing, email marketing and CRM simultaneously for yourself.

Each of these instruments is powerful on its own. But the integration of all instruments through inbound marketing is simply unbeatable.

2. Inspiring client experience

You centrally control all interactions with your customers. From the first contact to the conclusion of the purchase, you create high added value for customers through content and advice.

In this way you create a superior and consistent customer experience. You create individual experiences and addresses that are precisely tailored to the prospective customer and their phase in the buying process.

This makes you a trusted partner for your potential customers.

3. More leads and deals

Studies of the American software provider Hubspot prove:

With inbound marketing you can bring up to 200% more traffic to your website and gain ten times more leads.
Inbound marketing increases the number of prospective customers ready to buy by 150% because inbound software automatically maintains and develops the contact between the brand and prospective customers.

4. Effective sales support

Inbound marketing is effective sales initiation. With inbound, you offer customers on the Web the information and value-added services they need. That builds trust. Successively you will receive more information from your prospective customer about his needs and individual requirements.

This enables you to make customer-specific offers and address customers efficiently - exactly when your potential customer is open to it.

5. High marketing ROI

Inbound marketing software shows you in detail at any time how successful your marketing activities are - and how you can further increase your success.

Your marketing campaigns are monitored from a central dashboard. You rely on professional marketing analytics and got to know your marketing return on investment (RoI).

You track the acquisition of leads and new customers in real time and optimize the ROI of your marketing activities in real time.


Make sure you clarify expectations of internal partners in your company. Often a strategy workshop as a kick-off is very useful to create the same understanding, the same level of knowledge and transparent mutual expectations.